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-:-, 26.05.2006 0:10
Katsottu 2669 kertaa
A I don't care about philosophy, or any kind of prophesy. I didn't need your sympathy, even thou I lost my fantasy. A I try not to show my feelings, there are no tears, smile or meanings. I don't care what others think of me, I'm not blind but I just can't see, anything, anymore... B And then she said: "You are loosing your life, why can't you just show me your feelings?" There was tear in her eye, and I said: "Oh please don't cry", she looked up to me and she was smiling. "So you care" "You do care" A Now I see some people smiling, laughing and some hands even hailing. sometimes I feel little wounerable, but nevertheless it is wonderful to be my self... B2 It's cause she said: "You are waisting your life, why can't you just show me your feelings?" she was sad like the sky, and I said: "Oh please don't cry", she looked up to me and she was smiling. "So you care" "You do care" järjestys: intro A A B solo(A) A B2 solo(A) B outro
Filippus, 18.09.2007 15:51
Kertakaikkisen hieno runo!
exthing, 18.04.2008 18:37
Hieno teksti, yksinkertaisen kaunis ja koskettava!
sianna, 13.06.2009 16:50
What did you said?
-:-, 16.06.2009 20:20
Joo-o tämä laulu kertoo tosiaan eräästä peli hahmosta, ja laulun melodia / säestys on minun tripuuttini Guns N' Rosesille... Well this song is a story about a game figure, and the melody and backgrounds are my tripute to Guns N' Roses Kiittäen kommenteista -:-
Teresa, 29.07.2010 21:51
Oivoi, jos vain muistaisit näiden soinnut niin saisit soittaa nämä minulle. Muistan tykänneeni näistä paljon. :)
-:-, 30.07.2010 15:43
Muistan kyllä tämän biisin ihan täydellisesti :D
Lunella, 27.06.2006 17:34
Ja kattia kanssa! ymmärtäisin JOS puhuisin suomea... ;)