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Zanfa, 08.08.2006 0:46
Katsottu 1460 kertaa
Joo tässä olisi tälläinen amatööri runoilian tuotos I charged to the battle with my horse snow white without an armour but i didint mind i only had a helmet and my shield of gold but they wont make a differense without a sword i attacked the nearest man who had slain my friends and more i bashed my shield into his head and he fell along with the rest before he died i looked into his eyes they were full of fear Then i went near i drew his sword from the sheat of bone the handle was dark as the mans heart with this sword i would fight as long as i would revenge my brothers of war. Pyydän tässä vaiheessa anteeksti mahd. kirjoitus virheitä en ole jaksanut korjata..kun en edes tiedä onko tuosta tuotoksesta mihinkään...vastauksia...ja kiitos jo etukäteen